‘Letting Go’ with Flavio Boltro , Gautier Laurent and Jean-Marc Robin is available now! Follow the link to listen to our new album in your favorite platform!

“Letting Go” marks a clear evolution in the guitarist’s playing, which is distinguished by the care taken in the colours, in the play with space, in an increasingly refined sound, and the lightness of an accompaniment that avoids overload. Above all, the whole thing is designed to put the partner’s listening skills to the fore. An album of bewitching spontaneity – all the themes are first takes! – and a natural fluidity at all times.

23.06 Jazzkeller Frankfurt, Frankfurt (D)
24.06 Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Munich t (D)
27.06 Sunset Sunside, Paris (F)
15.07 Festival Jazz & Blues (Lux)
11.08 Festival Au grès du jazz – La Petite Pierre (F)
Label IGLOO Records
With the support from Kultur lx, Ministère de la Culture, Luxembourg & SACEM Luxembourg s.c.
Video by Vistco